Many of you are no doubt aware that redevelopment works are yet to start and that the Centre has been minimally used during the past 3 months. It was hoped to start work at the end of June, but unfortunately the contractor tenders for the works were significantly higher than the monies currently raised. This has caused a delay to the start date whilst negotiations are carried out with the lowest contractor to make the required savings on costs. A revised scope of works is expected to be finalised by the first week of September, and it is envisaged that the new start date will now be the end of September. The construction period is likely to be 5 months. Whilst significant savings are having to be made, the Centre Management Committee firmly believe that the revised scope of works will not materially impact the overall finished product.
The Centre Management Committee are continuing to work hard in trying to secure additional funding to reduce the current shortfall and thereby ensure as much of the planned works as possible can be carried out. In this regard, further grant applications have recently been submitted to a number of trusts and foundations, and these applications total in excess of £140k. We are also contacting some funders that have already pledged monies to see whether they would be prepared to contribute further funds. In addition, a number of local fundraising events have been organised over the course of the next 6 months. Fundraising activities will continue into 2017.
Whilst we understand the concern over the perceived lack of progress and use of the Centre, the Centre Management Committee would like to re-assure everyone that considerable efforts are being made to deliver the best possible project, whilst at the same time trying to minimise the loss of revenue due to the enforced period of inactivity. With the continued support of everyone, we are confident that the Harrold Centre project will soon be realised to the benefit of all.