The Annual Harrold Pit Run



The 39th  HARROLD PIT RUN & Bake-off


Saturday 22nd April 2023



Harrold Centre is a registered charity which benefits the residents of Harrold, Carlton and Odell. The pitrun has been running for 40 years with only one missed because of Covid, and a shortened course in 1998 due to severe flooding. The 3 mile race runs round the lakes in the Harrold-Odell Country Park; the old gravel pits. The busy atmosphere of stalls, attractions, bars, and runners make a great event which is much appreciated as a hugely enjoyable day for villagers and visitors alike. And all the lovely canine visitors.

Thank you to all our sponsors and everyone who has helped or supported us.

The event opens at 12.30pm with a variety of stalls and attractions, including a bar provided by the Bell. The band Roxton Press will be playing again this year throughout the afternoon.

This year’s theme is ROMAN

FANCY A STALL?  There are still a few stall sites available. I you are interested email

Runners used to compete for the medals and also the greatest sponsorship money but now donation is more common. This can be via the registration process with runners nominating one of the local societies listed or directly to Harrold Centre.

Race bookings- Register online at between March 10th and April 21st.

Harrold Centre will be open for registration on Friday 21st April, 6pm-8pm and Saturday 22nd April, 10am-12pm.

The event encompasses 4 races from 3 short children’s races up to a fully marshalled 3 mile race around the village of Harrold and the surrounding countryside. Fun-runners, fancy-dressers and serious personal best hunters alike all mix in at the start line in front of the Village Green. St George and Mr John Tusting will start the adult (and years 7+) at 3pm.

Race starting times. Years reception, 1+2 at 1.30pm ; years 3+4 at 1.50pm and years 5+6 at 2pm.

The medal ceremony will be around 4.45 after the drawing of the raffle and the winners of the bake-off are announced.

Last year’s trophy winners – please could you return them by 31st March.

 AS ALWAYS, WE ARE LOOKING FOR RACE DAY MARSHALS to ensure everything goes smoothly and safely. Please give up an hour of your time to help make a great day. I you are interested email

The Pit Run Bake Off will be returning sponsored by the Fox public house.

The Great Pit Run Raffle.

Yet again we have some fabulous prizes including a luxurious Tusting bag, £50 cash and many more. Tickets will be sold by local societies several weeks before Pit Run and on the Green and at registration on the day. If you would like to sell some raffle tickets, please contact us at

Thank you to everyone who donated a raffle prize. There is still time to donate a prize- contact us at