Funding Status
The Centre Management Committee has secured sufficient funding for the building to reopen and to be fully functional. The redevelopment project was made possible through the kind and generous donations made by many organisations, including:
¬ Connolly Foundation
¬ Wixamtree Trust
¬ Garfield Weston Foundation
¬ Harrold Parish Council
¬ Bedford Borough Council
¬ Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation
¬ Tusting Family
¬ Asda Foundation
¬ Harpur Trust
¬ Big Lottery Fund
¬ Howdens Joinery
¬ Foyle Foundation
¬ Beatrice Laing Trust
¬ Mrs B. L. Robinson’s Charitable Trust
¬ Gale Family Charity Trust
¬ Allchurches Trust
¬ Borough Councillor’s Ward Fund
¬ Hobson Charity
¬ Alexander Media & Production Services
¬ Willow Songs Ltd
¬ Paul Young Independent Financial Advisors
¬ Harrold Calvados Society
¬ Adhoc Drama Group
Our thanks goes out to all organisations and individuals involved in the fund raising effort.
Current situation
In addition to the funds raised, in order to complete the works, the Centre took out a £50,000 loan from the Charity Bank.
Although the building is fully functional a number of items of improvement remain on the list to be completed. These include:
- Permanent local heritage exhibition
- Internet café – eg. broadband provision; computer stations
- Separate storage building situated to side of main hall
- New main entrance doors
- Emergency lighting to corridor adjacent to medical room
- Exterior cycle racks
- Sliding/folding partition to main atrium
- Terrace and balustrade to first floor caretaker’s flat
Our fund raising effort, therefore, continues. Any offers of help or support will be much appreciated.